The use of dried moxa punk (mugwort) which is ignited to apply heat therapy to therapeutic effects.
Moxibustion Therapy is commonly applied in conjunction with acupuncture to provide therapeutic heat to specific points and regions to the body, however it is also employed as a standalone therapy in it’s own right.

The benefits
Moxibustion has been a time honoured technique to combat the debilitating effects of cold on the body and constitution which typically manifest as pain and movement limitation, but can also affect digestive and internal functions.
For your safety, your clinician will be present with you the entire time of treatment.

Initial Consultation
30 - 45 min
There are various forms and application of Moxibustion Therapy that is best determined by your treating clinician to determine suitability.
An initial consultation will involve general health screening questions and assessments.

Follow - up
Follow-up sessions are generally shorter as the detailed assessments have already been done.

Additional Information
There is typically a lot of smoke with moxibustion therapy, and we take steps to ensure adequate active ventilation in the clinic to minimise this. However, there will be odour of the burnt herb which may linger on clothes or irritate the throat. If you have allergies please let the clinic know when you make your booking, or discuss this with your treating clinician.